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Old 12-02-2003, 06:55 PM
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Default [IBC] Stolen suiseki

I'm sorry to hear that Art had a stone stolen. That's always a bummer when
you realize that someone has ripped you off at a convention.
Over the last few years I find this a common thing ( at least at my
tables). I think that a lot has to do with how "easily stealable" your items
are, as many of mine are. I "lose" something more and more often at shows
and it is USUALLY a carving bit/tool of some type. If it can be easily wiped
off the table and into a bag it seems it's fair game. A stone however is a
little different! But, I imagine at a stone show it wasn't rare to see
someone walking around with a stone!
I've had people say to me " I can't believe a bonsai person would steal",
uh, well, believe it! The idea of losing $20-60 , OR MORE after all your
costs is bad enough ( for years I told myself that THEY must have needed the
money more than my family) but, it's a real pain when you can't leave your
booth to go see demos or eat or anything because you know something will
stroll away!
One thing to look forward to.....someday you'll catch someone!!
Dale Cochoy
Wild Things Bonsai Studio

----- Original Message -----
From: "Reiner Goebel"
Subject: [IBC] Stolen suiseki

The following is posted for Art Skolnik.

Reiner Goebel
Toronto, Canada

The accompanying photo (please see
kigallery&key=1045017245&first=1045017245&last=102 9192535)
is a Mohave Desert stone. I purchased it from
Frank English, in California 20 years ago. I decided not to exhibit it
in the Masterpiece Display, opting instead for a larger stone, and kept
this one at one of my tables in the sales area. A week or two later at
home I had a heart-stopping realization... the stone was missing

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