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Old 31-01-2006, 11:10 PM posted to rec.ponds
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Default Planted or Mussel Seeded External Filter?

"Wanda" wrote in message

"~ jan jjspond" wrote in message

What is the resin for? ~ jan

The "container" I was thinking of using for the bio filter is made from
resin forming what looks like a small river rapid or waterfall. There is a
section up the top which could be used for settling & a deeper & larger
section at the bottom that could be used for planting. The water is pumped
from the pond to the top level then spills to the bottom level before
re-entering the pond.

I've seen something like that here where I live but they're made of heavy
black plastic. I have one that is kind of S shaped but only used it one
summer. Birds would come to bathe and the bullfrogs, hidden in the plants
around it would eat them! I wont use it any more. I have a round one now
that spills into my smallest inground pond but the birds don't use it as the
sides are too steep.
Koi-Lo.... frugal ponding since 1995...
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