Monkey puzzle tree
"sw" wrote in
What is a good situation to plant a monkey puzzle tree?. Might one
survive ok on a level windy site, which is not a seaside location?.
Also, what shrubs might suit such a site?
A *big* situation. And one where you don't need to walk underneath in bare
feet (or thin shoes!). They get tall quite fast, and bits fall off and
remain spiky for ages.
Arlington Court in North Devon has a monkey puzzle avenue. They lost a
number of trees a while ago - 15 years? and the replacements are now well
on their way to being sizeable trees. The position is not very sheltered -
certainly I've walked through there in howling gales - but there are some
shrubs that I think must have protected the young trees from the full
I seem to remember that they did lose one or two of the young trees, and
had to re-replant until they all properly got going.
Hope this helps!