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Old 26-01-2006, 06:53 AM posted to
Dave in Columbus
Posts: n/a
Default Reviving a neglected apple tree

On Wed, 25 Jan 2006 22:36:56 -0500, scott

I recently bought a home in the Shenandoah Valley. There are several old
fruit trees on the property. Most have been neglected for many years. I
want to start trying to restore them a bit. The apple trees are first on
my list. One is a bit over 20 foot high. I don't think they've been
pruned for decades. How should I start with these trees? Can someone
point me to a source online that would help me with pruning them? It's
been 20 years since I lived in a house with enough yard to have any trees
so what little experience I've had is nearly gone from my memory.
Next project will be the mulberries. There are even a couple of white
ones that have been going wild for a long time. I'm told they were
planted in this area way back in an attempt to raise silk worms.

Thanks for any help

They just did this on "This Old House Hour" the other day.


Dave in Columbus