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Old 14-01-2006, 12:45 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Janet Galpin
Posts: n/a
Default Yields and Layout

The message
from "Mel" contains these words:

After much searching, I've found this document that tells amounts to plant
for family of 4, plus a sample layout. Thought others might be interested:

This is an interesting chart but perhaps open to question. Unless you
want a freezer full of sweetcorn, the amount given seems very generous
(about 100 plants it seems) given that the season is comparatively short
and you usually get two cobs from each plant.

On the other hand I would grow far more leeks than given here. They
suggest a 10' row but this is only about 30+ plants on their spacing.
The season is a long one through the winter when there is less available
than when sweetcorn matures and I would grow three or four times their
amount. I would also grow more brussel sprouts as these and leeks are my
mainstay from about October to March.

I guess the proportions given reflect American tastes but also that
there will also be a lot of variation in eating habits from any one
family to another.

Janet G