flowers to attract lacewings and ladybirds
The message .com
from "Gardening_Convert" contains these words:
Can any advise on what are the best flowers to grow to attract
lacewings and ladybirds as I want to tackle the pests in my garden the
organic way.
Erm, you 've got it slightly back to front.
Gardeners plant specific flowers to attract insects which feed on
flower pollen and nectar, such as bees and butterflies.Ladybirds are
predators, feeding on other insects, so they don't seek pollen or
nectar from particular flowers. Aphids, the insects they feed on, are
sap suckers (who can get their food from anything with leaves).
If you garden organically, and grow native plants, you will get some
aphids.. Just leave them unmolested and ladybirds and bluetits will come
to the garden to eat the aphids, keeping the aphid population down to a
level that doesn't harm plants. IME.
You can encourage a higher population of ladybirds and predatory
insects in the garden by leaving enough shelter for them to survive
over-winter (cracks in walls and the bark on old logs, ivy).