Newbie: Growing chillies indoors
Sorry if this has been aksed before - I have searched google for similar
posts but nothing has come up - sorry for missing anything that should have.
I recently bought a mixed variety pack of chilli seeds from Mr Fothergills
online. The seeds have germinated in a cheapo propogator and are now about
2-3 inches tall. I have thinned off some of the weeker looking ones and now
have about 6 seedlings sitting next to a big set of bays doors in my
third-floor flat.
My question is this: where do I go from here !! I plan to repot them into 6"
pots - will they be OK left to grow on the windowsil ?? Also, do I need to
do any assisted polination once the flowers appear - I dont plan on letting
too many bees into the flat so will I have to do this myself in order to get
fruit ?? If so, how ?!
Any answers to these questions, and/or general tips for growing these
beauties will be much appreciated !