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Old 06-01-2006, 05:15 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
michael adams
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Default Air Layering - sphagnum moss alternative

"gb" wrote in message

What can I use as an alternative to sphagnum moss for air layering ??

Any ideas, preferably must be easily available and cheap (if not

Shreaded newspaper ??


Well-wetted moss peat, or peat based potting compost, or stuff from
a grow bag etc. will do just as well, in my experience.

Although the main roots are taking up nutrient for the main plant,
it's questionable whether shredded newspaper which contains
no nutrient at all, would support much supplementary root growth.
At a guess, the abundance of layered root growth will depend on
locally available nutrients. Spent potting or grow bag compost with
a residue of nutrient might be o.k.

There's no point in skimping too much IMO, if all the time and
effort you put in, only ends in failure.

In addition, most people probably don't do enough air layering for
cost to be that much of a factor.

Either that, or they start off small, and work out the best
all round solution in terms of cost, and success rates which
works for them and the material i.e. plant varieties, they're
working with.

michael adams
