A wish for the New Year that is fast approaching.................
Wishing all of the gardeners, all over the world, peace this night, with
garden promises fulfilled come spring-time and where it is already summer, a
bountiful harvest time. I think the world needs more instances of "stone
soup" to bring us closer together for one cause. This is the only planet we
have right now, and it's up to the stewards of this blue marble to hold dear
and treasure what gift we truly have is being allowed to reside here. So
with no further adieu.......
I pledge allegiance to the Earth,
and all the Life on which it supports.
in our care,
with sustenance and respect for ALL.
Mother of all, our home, our host,
Waits for what she needs the most;
Children who will not neglect her,
There is no jewel of greater worth
To us, than our sweet home, the Earth.
Or as I tend to like THIS one................
The Eleventh Commandment, paragraph one two and three----
Thou Shalt inherit this Holy Earth as a faithful steward.
conserving her resources and productivity from generation to generation.
Thou Shalt safeguard thy fields from soil erosion,
thy living waters from drying up,
thy forests from desolation,
and protect thy hills from overgrazing by thy herds,
that thy descendents may have abundance forever.
If any should fail in this stewardship of the Land,
thy fruitful fields shall become sterile, stony ground and wasting gullies,
and thy descendents decrease and live in poverty or perish off the face of
the Earth. Amen.....
nuff said............g
madgardener up on the ridge, where the gentle rains have dampened the fallen
leaves, back in Fairy Holler, overlooking English Mountain where I've had my
14th year here, in Eastern Tennessee