Hey guys & gals,
Posted several months ago about my attempt at growing from seed, and I
have successfully done so and in my flask I can count all 36 protocorms
under a disection scope. Reason for low amount was that sterilization
step allowed 100% ethanol into the caspule because I was clumsy.
Still, for my first attempt I am delighted to have more than one and no
bacterial/ fungal infections in my flask
The reason for the post is to mention that one of the protocorms has a
single cell projection straight up from the mass of cells. This
protrusion has no pigment and once i get the chance will photograph it
for you (how and where do I post this?) Has anyone any experience with
in vitro orchid growing and can anyone tell me what this protrusion may
be / become? Am I being nive and this is the first primitive leaf?
Glad to hear any info!