Hey Everyone...
If you think this is a real problem, and are willing to live with some
possible escalation, then it is time to do something. Most of the
suggestions posted here will cost you something, and since you said you
don't want to put up a fence because of cost, I am thinking you don't
want to spend a lot of money on this.
Since you have already talked to him without result, I think you should
save the jar of butts, wait until the next time he is snowblowing
against your home, and call the police. I live in a suburb with a very
good police force, and they would come out and talk to both of you, and
probably explain to him how to adjust his snowblower and to keep his
butts to himself. If he lies to the officer about the butts, pull out
your stash and suggest that they can be tied to him by DNA. At that
time your neighbor will be on weak ground vis a vis the police (in many
places, giving a false statement to the police is a crime), and I think
they should deal with him more forcefully. Keep a note of the officer's
name and the date, and if your neighbor repeats his infractions, call
the police again and mention that officer x had already tried to deal
with this on this date, and you really want it stopped.
On the other hand, if you don't have a good police force, I suggest you
hire an attorney just to write a cease and desist letter to your
neighbor and have it delivered by certified mail. This will cost a bit,
but it shouldn't be too much, and I think it is fair to say that most
people receiving such a letter would get nervous. Have the attorney
give you a copy of the letter with the proof of delivery in case things
Turning him in for faking a disability would be a lot of work; you don't
really know what his disability is, only what he has told you (maybe
he's a mental case and doesn't want to admit it), and you would first
have to find out who of many possible entities is paying him, then
contact them. And many disability payments become protected after
having been paid so long, even if the disabled person recovers to some
extent. On the other hand, if there is an aggressive investigatory
media in your area, and they need a story, you might give them a call.
MICHELLE H. wrote:
Hey Everyone,
THANKS for ALL of the great responses and info., I really do appreciate
it!! I actually feel a little bit better now that I have "vented". I
think taking pictures and using a video camera is definitely a good
start, so that I have proof. You know, I do know that like he said "its
only snow, and it'll melt", but why run the snowblower so high that it
hits my house? I can let the blowing the snow onto my grass "slide", but
not when it is hitting my siding and windows, landing on my front
stairs, and front sidewalk, or burying my 2-3 foot dwarf Alberta Spruce
trees that I just planted this past spring, or burying my 3 basement
Why the basement windows? Because my laundry room is in the basement and
I do the laundry down there during the day, and if the windows are
buried, no natural light comes in, and I have to waste electricity
during the day by having the basement lights on.
Also, someone asked where I find the time to pickup and count the
Cigarette butts? Thats because he stands on his small back porch and
faces my house and stares at my house (or at me everytime I am outside)
and almost always throws the cig. butts in the same area, directly
across from where he is standing on his back porch and into my yard.
So what I was doing was when I was raking the leaves this past fall, I
would have 2 barrels/paper leaf bags with me. He doesn't rake his leaves
and so they all blow over into my yard. So I was going out every single
day ( Monday-Sunday ) and raking the leaves and cig. butts up into a
separate piles. I would throw the leaves into 1 barrell/bag and the cig.
butts into the other bag/barrell.
Then each day I would throw them into a mason jar after I picked them
all up. Well like I said, there were at least 7-10 in my yard per day. I
did this for 3 weeks and week #1 there were 63 total, week #2 there were
#57, and week #3 there were 65. So right now there is snow on the
ground, and of course I can't see them, because Marlboro Lights are
White cigarettes, but I figure that by time spring gets here in April (
5 months from now ) and all the snow is melted, ( and at 60 cig. butts a
week that he throws into my yard ) there will be roughly 1,600 cigarette
butts on my property.
I have all his stinky cig. butts that I collected over the 3 weeks in a
mason jar and was thinking of wrapping it up and giving it to him or
mailing it to him as a Christmas present!!!
NO, I am only kidding!!!!!!
Someone also asked me "WHY worry about the cigartte butts, because when
I mow my lawn, they will just get chewed up by the lawnmower". In
regards to the Cigerette butts, they have filters, and they will not
just grind up and disappear as if they were field stripped. You can't
just grind up the cigarette butts with the mower as someone told me.
The cigarettes have those hard cotton filters, and they almost NEVER
break down. With all the cigarette butts that my jerk neighbor throws
over here, I HAVE run them over with my lawnmower to try to get rid of
them, but the hard cotton filters just spit right back out. So unless I
pick them up by hand, they will be there forever.
I like the idea on someone checking on his Disability, because he claims
he has a "bad back" but I have seen him #1 mow his lawn in the summer,
#2 change the oil in his truck and mini-van in the driveway, #3 carry
and stack firewood this past fall in his backyard, #4 carry tables down
his driveway to his front yard to set up a tag sale, #5 dig a vegetable
garden with a garden hoe, and #6 carry bag of grocerys and big bags of
dog food into his home, to name only a few. And both his lawnmower and
snowblower are NOT an electric start, its one of those where he has to
pull the rope.
Thanks Everybody!!!