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Old 08-12-2005, 10:19 PM posted to rec.gardens
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Default Hey Everyone...

"MICHELLE H." wrote in message
I like the idea on someone checking on his Disability, because he claims
he has a "bad back" but I have seen him #1 mow his lawn in the summer,
#2 change the oil in his truck and mini-van in the driveway, #3 carry
and stack firewood this past fall in his backyard, #4 carry tables down
his driveway to his front yard to set up a tag sale, #5 dig a vegetable
garden with a garden hoe, and #6 carry bag of grocerys and big bags of
dog food into his home, to name only a few. And both his lawnmower and
snowblower are NOT an electric start, its one of those where he has to
pull the rope.

Thanks Everybody!!!

The first thing you need to do is call your state disability office, they
usually have a fraud hotline. When you give them his name and address they
will #1 say, "not our problem" or #2 send out an investigator. If you do
decide to do some video taping yourself I wouldn't be obvious about it. The
guy isn't balanced and no telling what harm you may come to if he feels you
are "spying". IF this guy is on disability, and depending on how long he's
been milking this, and if fraud is proven he'll most likely have his house
for sale soon to pay back the gubmint checks and legal fees while he sits in
jail for a little time out to think about the error of his ways. Then you'll
probably get brand new neighbors who are very friendly, smile and wave at
you a lot and never clear snow......or mow their lawn, have fighting,
screaming kids, loud cars and stereos, toss beer cans instead of cigarette
butts and constantly barking dogs.
