Highest Price Paid at a Society Auction?
Hi, All,
Just curious. We had our semi-annual auction last Saturday afternoon (yrs
truly was the auctioneer, thus satisfying my inner ham). We didn't get the
crowd that we generally see, but every plant sold and we probably gained a
few new members.
One beautiful specimen of Bc. Maikai 'Mayumi' sold for $140. I was upping
the bids in $20 increments. I really thought I could get it a little higher,
but one of the bidders chickened out.
All plants for auction belonged to Society members (no dealers), but the
public is invited to bid. I know some Societies purchase plants and then
auction them off, but for us it's a vehicle for members to get rid of
duplicates, scale down, etc. We don't make much on this. We collect 10% to
cover expenses.
Given those parameters, what kind of money do plants bring at your auctions?
Oh, yes....I discovered a really neat way to get people to bid up an Onc.
Sharry Baby 'Sweet Fragrance'. Before the bidding commenced I made the whole
room sing the refrain from "Sharry Baby". Still laughing about that one.