In article , Inge Jones
I've got a Rowan outside the front of my house (on the pavement). It's
beautiful particularly in late summer early autumn, and attracts lots of
birds. I keep an eye on it and call the council if it needs some
attention. But that particular tree would be far too wide and dense for
my back garden - as it must be planted in the only spot that gets
sunshine, it would completely eliminate anything other than moss or
shade-loving plants from my planting scheme, and cover a quarter of the
garden (-: Presumably there are varieties of sorbus that grow
differently? Do you happen to know a URL where I could see some? I'm
doing a search right now....
I have one of the white berried species - sorry, can't remember which -
which is fairly delicate in that its branches aren't particularly dense.
Maybe that's because it's not very old - I planted it only 10 years ago.
The other suggestion in this thread is an interesting one - amelenchier.
It has small delicate leaves which seem translucent in the spring.
Kay Easton
Edward's earthworm page: