my greatest benchhog intends to earn his living
Isn't it funny how one plant seems to be accident prone. I have a larger
phal that the lady up the street begged me to take from her. The spring
after she gave it to me I took it back to her to enjoy the blooms. She
paniced and brought it back afraid she was going to kill it. It's a nice no
name large purple phal.
Since I've had it I've dropped it, broke a new leaf, dropped another plant
on it, and knocked it over at least a dozen times. It just always seems to
be the plant that is accident prone but yet it keeps on going. Right now I
think it's starting to spike. The leaves look a bit beat up.
For your plant you might consider sitting it down inside a larger heavy pot
or a larger pot with stones in the bottom to keep it upright.
Good Growing,
"J Fortuna" wrote in message
My very first orchid (acquired in April 2001 as a wedding present), that
grown into an incredible benchhog (a Phal with 9 healthy green leaves, a
leafspan of 26 inches, tipped over to its side due to sheer weight of all
these leaves) has every intention to earn its living this season. I just
discovered a second new spike on it. :-) Now I will have to be
around this one, since this orchid has in the past been very accident
It's a No ID with the nickname Flowerfall, and there are two reasons for
that nickname -- its nice waterfall flowering habit being only one of