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Old 29-01-2003, 01:32 AM
Inge Jones
Posts: n/a
Default Betula to demand?

In article ,

Why do you feel a silver birch would be ideal?

With such a small garden, I wanted the height to add interest, but at
the same time to plant under it, as this was the one spot that gets a
few hours sunshine in the summer so was attracted to the idea of a tree
without a dense canopy. I was then intending to put a light underneath
pointing up and lighting only the tree itself for night time. I'm
afraid that without anything tall and thin the garden will just look
like a little postage stamp with a border. I also like poplars but have
been advised that they canot be planted so close to buildings. We had a
plum tree but I had it removed as it kept spread too far, dangled down
too low and brought the visual focal distance too close and became
claustrophobic. I want something that you can look up and see the
branches, but you can see past the trunk, but that won't spread too wide
or stop rain reaching the ground.

They are nice trees but seriously overplanted

Well, they could be becoming a little cliched, I agree.

and their roots get into everything!

I didn't know this.