Thread: Ground Beatle?
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Old 06-11-2005, 07:30 PM
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Default Ground Beatle?

"david taylor" wrote in message
Useful beetles- including the violet garden beetle, devil's coachhorse and
ladybirds have a pair of pincer like mandibles designed to scissor into
Weevils have a long probiscos or snout so that they can suck juices from a
plant. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of a vine weevil but other
weevils have this characteristic 'prong'.
Assassin bugs attack other insects and suck their juices, but are not
particularly beetle like in appearance and have a beak rather than a long
David T
"michael adams" wrote in message

"middleton.walker" wrote in message

"michael adams" wrote in message

"pitmastonlady" wrote in

Can anyone please tell me the difference in appearence between a
Beatle and a Vine Weavel Beatle. Any help would be appreciated.

Two of these sites which contain pictures, are American but both
ground beetles and vine weevils are European imports to the
US - one more welcome than the other.

michael adam

spossibly as welcome as those imported blasted starlings and

No problem there. Just cut down all your trees and lay concrete
everywhere. No more troublesome wildlife to make your life a

Either that, or spray it, or shoot it.

Kill, kill, kill !///////////wifey won't let me so might ship 'em

michael adams
