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Old 26-01-2003, 02:22 AM
Emrys Davies
Posts: n/a
Default advice for novice gardener needed!!!


You need to talk more about your problem before you waste money and
effort on gravel and probably finish up with a similar mess. You need
to treat the cause.

Why has your lawn got into a mud heap? Is poor drainage a factor? You
say that you had a lush green lawn when you moved in and now it has been
reduced to a mud heap or similar. What has gone on in the meantime? You
may have a burst pipe?

If you describe developments quite fully we will be able to advise you.
In the meantime I suggest that you put the lawn out of bounds until you
have come to terms with the problem.

Emrys Davies.

"seren" wrote in message
we have what is jokingly called a garden at the moment but looks more

like a
mud pit. we have a very big dog and 4 kids and the result is where we

had a
lush green lawn when we moved in we now have mud and more mud. i

wondered if
i could skim off the top layer of goo and chuck a load of pea gravel

down to
hide the worst for now (and stop it treading all through the house)

would it not sink into the soil? i want to put some kind of paving

eventually but it will have to be done a bit at a time as we don't

have a
lot of spare time. the only kind of garden we've had in the past is

concrete kind so i'm at a loss as to what to do with this mess. any

fast, cheap ideas???? HELP )