"JimM" wrote in message
Not sure if this is an anathema to the group but I'll give it a shot
I've got a couple of shrubs and a hedge that are getting a bit out
control. I pruned the shrubs back last winter but that just
encouraged them
to try even harder during 2002.
Before I chop back again this year does the group have any
suggestions on
how to restrain their growth. Ideally I'd like to cut back hard and
then put
some magic potion on some of the stumps to stop them growing without
off the whole thing. Is this what the 'prune and seal' type product
is for ?
The real problem plants are a Berberris hedge which is too thick and
Fuschia which just gets too big.
Thanks Jim
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There are three ways of dealing with your problem:
1) Dig everything up and put up a fence instead
2) Prune hard every year
3) Start to love gardening ..............:~)