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  #8   Report Post  
Old 12-10-2005, 10:30 PM
Posts: n/a

I discovered vine weevils a couple of weeks ago while dead heading.(Gently
pinched a flower to pull it off and the whole plant came up in my hand and
was rootless). On further investigaiton I found loads of the grubs and
nearly all my plants infected. I used Pravado vine weevil killer and it's
done the trick. All new plants have been potted in compost which is treated
with insecticide (Levingtons) and the old plants all seem to be recovering
well. I really didnt want to use such a strong insecticide but I would have
lost my entire garden otherwise.
"Rod Craddock" wrote in message
"Amber" wrote in message
The last time I had VW there were a mix of the grubs that are like
maggots with black heads and the ones that are like albino beetles.

That'll be the 'nymph' stage of the VW, just before they metamorphose into
the adult weevils we all know.


My real address is rodtheweedygardeneratmyweedyisp
Just remove the weedy bits
and transplant the appropriate symbol at.