MacTech wrote:
We're still using lots of 20 - 30 year old wood posts that were hand
peeled by my father-in-law and then soaked in creosote. Go with a good
wood post.
does anybody have any recommendations which material is cheaper/better
in teh long run? plastic, wooden or vinyl posts? any stories to share?
I think Creosote is a no-no these days, but I have some of the "green"
treated 4x4 posts going on 20 years in the ground with no signs of
rotting. I have pulled a few to move fences, etc. and was amazed at the
lack of decay. Creosote is probably better in terms of preservation, property is adjacent to an abandoned railroad right-of-way.
The tracks were removed about 50 years ago, and a lot of the ties were
used locally for fence posts, etc. The railroads used "date tacks" to
indicate when ties were installed. A date tack is basically a nail
similar to a roofing nail, with a 2-digit number on the head to indicate
the year the tie was first laid down.
I pulled a tie out 2 years ago that was being used for a gatepost. It
had some decay around the spike holes that were underground, but was in
pretty good shape otherwise. It also had a date tack in it.
"27"....that's 1927! I'm still using it as a stop for my wife's car, so
she doesn't run over the barbecue when she parks.
I am leery of vinyl due to the UV issues. I have seen enough lawn chairs
and kids' toys disintegrate due to exposure. Of course, I wouldn't give
a kid a treated 4x4 to play with, either...