09-10-2005, 10:41 PM
I took a dozen trees/potensai/plants to be raffled, and 5 to
be sold, and didn't bring a thing back home. Club's happy
and I'm happy.
More next month.
Jim Lewis - - Tallahassee, FL - Nature
encourages no looseness, pardons no errors. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Alan Walker wrote:
So it might seem, Roger, but it turns out that one man's trash is
another man's treasure. Things that you wouldn't want, and
couldn't imagine someone else wanting are often sought eagerly by
others. Especially if it is low priced or free.
Alan Walker
http://bonsai-bci.com http://LCBSBonsai.org
-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Snipes
Tough decisions indeed. I don't envy your dilemma.
A bonsai buddy and I were in my back yard some time ago talking
about thinning out our respective collections; after looking at
many trees we came to the conclusion that the stuff we want to
get rid of is the stuff that no one else would want, and the
stuff that someone would want is the stuff that we want to keep.
Catch 22.
Maybe the best solution is to get a bigger moving van and take it
all with
you. :-))
Roger Snipes
Spokane, WA. Zone 5-ish
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Lewis"
I'm finding that decision making is tough as I begin preparations
for our upcoming move north and try to cull out the tree
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