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Old 07-10-2005, 03:05 PM
Jim Lewis
Posts: n/a
Default [IBC] On the horns of . . .

I'm finding that decision making is tough as I begin
preparations for our upcoming move north and try to cull out
the tree collection.

I _have_ decided to get rid of trees down to those I "kinda
like." But it's tough. I find myself changing my mind and
moving trees back and forth from one table to another.

One "final" decision has to be made before this Sunday, as
I'm taking several bonsai (and would-be bonsai) for sale and
raffle to our monthly club meeting. What's going is a
Nandina forest on a large (3-ft) slab, several small privet
"nearly-finished" bonsai, a Chinese elm saikei on a tile, A
juniper whose potential _I_ have never brought out, and
others. Some probably will be bought more for the pots and
slab than the bonsai.

That'll leave all the really tough decisions for the week
before our NEXT month's meeting. After that, they either
get tossed, left behind, or taken with us.

Jim Lewis - - Tallahassee, FL - Nature
encourages no looseness, pardons no errors. Ralph Waldo Emerson

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