Apologies for cross posting this question (I already asked on
rec.gardens) but thought this would be a more 'local' group...
Fairly distinctive, but I can't see it in any of my books/mags...
Had one suggestion it was a nutsedge & to destroy it immediately as it
was invasive, but it doesn't really match up
My three favourites thus far a
Cyperus Croceus
Cyperus Strigosus
Cyperus Polystachyos
But they just don't quite look the same either...
Any more ideas?
It grows about 18-24'' high, was bought as a specific variety here in
UK (@ Tatton last year I think) with a latin name as long as your arm
(subsequently lost the label, hence the post) & yes it does self seed
pretty freely so could be invasive ....