Magic Lizards
"Alan Gabriel" pushed
briefly to the front of the queue on Wed, 1 Jan 2003 02:18:31 -0000,
and nailed this to the shed door:
^ "Warwick Michael Dumas" wrote in message
^ om...
^ Guess what, yes, LIZARDS. At least 2 of the fellers. Distinctly
^ lizardly in form, but only 2.5 to 3 inches long. Grey. Didn't do much.
^ I think I got them from underground, suddenly there they were on the
^ bit of earth I dug. One of them may have got hurt but he didn't seem
^ to say anything so I don't know. Actually I stared at them both for a
^ while hoping they were going to go squeak, but I suppose they
^ basically couldn't see the point in that.
^ They are newts. Probably Olivia newt and John.
Oh, good GRIEF! To think I was feeling pleased with Eddie Lizzard ....
sparge at globalnet point co point uk
Life begins at kilofortnight