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Old 27-12-2002, 12:38 AM
MC Emily
Posts: n/a
Default OT & a little odd, but perhaps you chaps can help me

Simon K wrote:

We dont have any stabling (what a landlady - she wont put the
planning permission in as she is holding out to sell the land for
housing in a few years, and doesnt want to "rock the boat")

Fair enough. Could you put up a field shelter? You don't need PP for these
and you could use it as a make-do stable for short periods of time.

- dont
get me wrong about her, we pay as much as the land is worth, which in
present state isnt a lot, but we get 7 acres!!

Ah well, it's worth it then!

The best idea so far is:

1) make a frame out of 6" joists
2) lay a tarpaulin straight over the mud, setting it in such a way
that a natural drainage channel exists (ie one side higher)
3) fill the bottom 3" with wood chippings (like you use for rabbit
bedding) and roll these to compact with a garden roller, or heavier
4) fill the remaining 3" with bark/wood fibre. again, this needs
compressing, but gives a surface that will drain through, and will be
ok for the horses feet.

I hadn't realised from your previous post that you were doing a 'proper'
job, as regards drainage, if you see what I mean (no disrespect meant here).
This does, however, seem like an awful lot of work and cost for something
that would be quite temporary. I think in a short space of time you would
end up with mushy chippings. Most arenas and schools are dug out far more
than 6" and have proper land drains installed. Also, with the weight of the
horses, the chippings will not stay in place. Arenas are regularly levelled
and your setup would need that also.

Someone else suggested putting some hardcore down first - we cant do
that as it would draw too much attention, likewise sand - not eco
friendly and wont rot back to nothing given enough time.

Sure. How many horses/ponies do you have? Could you divide the field with
electric fencing and strip graze, giving alternate areas a rest? I'm
racking my brains for you here, honest!!
