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Old 22-12-2002, 07:56 AM
Vera Gade
Posts: n/a
Default Happy Christmas!

In article , "Michael Berridge"

Barry & Iris McCanna wrote in message ...

"Jennifer Sparkes" wrote in message

... and a Happy Christmas and 2003 to all urglers from us.

Edward and Jennifer

We wish everyone the best of health and happiness in 2003.

Barry and |Iris McCanna

Happy Christmas and a drier and sunnier 2003 with a sudden decrease over
the country in the number of snails and slugs.


Good Jul from Sweden! After all the grey days we have had a few wonderful
sunny days - mind you, you have to catch the sun before three a'clock,
when it disappeares! Out on the narrow lakes in the Kolmarden forests the
ice is smooth and clear without any snow-decking and the trees are white
with frost. Lots of people out scating instead of trample eachother at the
supermarkets. Hot kakao in the thermos! I cant scate anymore, but I used
my "all-mans-right" and sampled some brushwood of lingonberry and bilberry
and a tiny 30 cm high spruce for a Christmas-tree and all sorts of mosses
and cormes. Just a little of course - not ruining the places;-) All and
everybody verry merry - and now I wish *you* all Urglers a verry merry
Christmas! and lots of sun!
From Vera
