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Old 31-08-2005, 07:47 PM
Rod Craddock
Posts: n/a

"Neil Tonks" wrote in message
It's at least partlially to do with the variety. Of those I've dug
so far, Arran Pilot and Nadine produced average crops but cooked
brilliantly, with no disintegration. On the other hand the free 5
tubers of 'pixie' supplied by Marshalls this year, grown in exactly
the same conditions, produced a big crop but they totally
disintegrated on boiling (the rest made great chips, though!)

We've had the problem with all our early outdoor crop including
Juliette which was absolutely beautiful in the greenhouse and horrible
outdoors. Also Charlotte which was great last year was very bad (might
be Potato cyst nematode, premature loss of haulm and patchy bed, sadly
we'd cleared them and destroyed any evidence before I thought of
looking for PCN) We have a lot of the Marshall trial 'Pixie' because
they sent a lot because we bought a lot of spuds from them. Like Neil
says it looks fantastic, moderate to good yield but cooking quality
very poor, though we've not tried chips with it yet - roasted and
baked OK if you like floury spuds. We did irrigate the crop but
possibly not enough. I'm saying this in view of the poor outdoor crops
compared with the ones grown in more controlled conditions.

My real address is rodtheweedygardeneratmyweedyisp
Just remove the weedy bits
and transplant the appropriate symbol at.