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Old 04-12-2002, 12:08 PM
Clarke Brunt
Posts: n/a
Default Venus Fly Trap...

Marcus Fox wrote in message ...
What do I feed it over winter? Can I just pop in a bit of raw meat and

it close on that? Or do I not feed it at all?

They should be kept in a cool (e.g. anything above freezing) light place
over Winter, and should go semi-dormant, with very little growth. During
this period, they probably don't have any working traps anyway, and
certainly don't need feeding.

They seem to benefit from the Winter dormancy, and can deterioriate if
kept somewhere that is too warm, but with the inadequate light of
Winter. I hear that some people in warmer climates keep them in the
refrigerator in Winter.

I've not attempted to feed mine artificially for ages now - they catch
plenty things in the greenhouse, and even more of placed outside.

Clarke Brunt