Thread: Soil Chemistry
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Old 02-12-2002, 10:29 PM
Kay Easton
Posts: n/a
Default Soil Chemistry

In article , HaaRoy
On 01 Dec 2002 21:34:47 GMT, (DaveDay34) wrote:

is there a website dealing with this topic?

Dear Roy, someone here might be able to answer any questions you have on soil
chemistry if you have one (or a few) specific questions. Other than that,
maybe you should just try a search on Google, or some other similar search


i know you can read about it but its getting the handson experience.
to differentaite between the various types.
i can understand chalky, clayey,
but when i read rich,

Dark brown. Rich tends to mean rich in humus and nutrients, which is
likely to be a clay rather than sand base with lots of well rotted
vegetable matter incorporated so that the soil is crumbly instead of
being easily rolled into a small ball like pure clay.

Loam = clay + humus

deeply dug

Spade cuts it like butter to its own depth. You don't need a pick axe to
plant a row of carrots ;-)

and well drained,

No standing water the day after rain.

very well drained or free draining means that a watering can full of
after disappears as if it had never been.

whats the lead?
and fertile,

things grow well! All the plants round about are bursting with vigour.

how do i imagine fertile and well drained ?

Dark brown colour, crumbly, and moist not soggy.

If a plant wants a well drained site it probably wants something that's
better drained than that, with no standing water around the roots, ever,
and probably a sandy or gravelly soil rather than a clayey one.

whats the difference between rich and fertile ??
is there any?

Probably, but I've no idea what it is!
Kay Easton

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