abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening OT coming up, but it will be OK
The occasional post that is OT but possibly of interest to others here is OK
in my book.
Thank goodness for that :-))
The OT bit now follows and it will be a bit of OK OT 'cos Bob says so.
The next reunion for the H.M.S.Collingwood Association will be in
Chatham on the last weekend in May. This will include a visit to Chatham
Dockyard and a cruise on the Paddle Steamer 'Kingswear Castle'. All
GARDENERS ;-) who are ex H.M.S.Collingwood people are more than welcome
to contact me.
Thanks Bob
Pacific Fleet Reunion Sept 2003 at Mill Rythe
River Class Assn Dinner Leamington Spa Sept 20th 2003.
Castle Class Corvettes Assn. Reunion October 2003 Isle of Wight.
National Service (RAF) Association reunion. Nov 2003 Scarborough.