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Old 05-08-2005, 08:44 PM
Sue Begg
Posts: n/a

In message , Brian

"Teleman" wrote in message

"Sue Begg" wrote in message
Hi, Does anyone know how much bark weighs?

We have 2 suppliers locally - one sells by cubic metre, the other by the
ton. Without a conversion figure it is like trying to compare apples and
oranges and since I need about 12 cu metres a small difference could

a big impact on my pocket :-))
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You tried phoning them and asking ?
I imagine a lot would depend on the size of the
actual "chips" themselves - the smaller the chip, the
more tightly they pack together, and the more each
cubic metre would weigh


Take care. Many suppliers use the 'ton' as a measure of volume rather
than weight. If they fill a ten ton truck level then they often call that
ten tons; whereas the actual weight would be very much less. For true weight
a weighbridge would need to be involved; which is most unlikely.
Best Wishes Brian.

Thanks to everyone for your replies. At £40 a cu metre I am having to do
a lot of sweet-talking to hubby but at least I am clearer of what the
options are now
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