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Old 05-08-2005, 02:56 PM
Posts: n/a

Yep, a Mag 3 or even a 5.....our local petsmart has the pondmaster
line of pumps and there was only $5 difference in the mag 3 and 5 so
with that little of a difference in cost as well as consumption of
power I think the 5 wuold be a better deal

..On Thu, 04 Aug 2005 18:03:25 -0400, Michael Shaffer

===Lyn wrote:
=== Hi,
=== I want a pump that will cost the least to run since it will
=== be running fairly constantly. I plan mostly a water garden
=== so I will probably have lots of leaves dropping into water.
=== I will also keep mosquito fish in it. Any filter considerations
=== welcome!!!
=== So any recommendations for 250 gal. (oblong shape with
=== three "fingers") pond are much appreciated.
=== Lyn
===Pondmaster Mag 3

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"The original frugal ponder"
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