Thread: Railway Sleeprs
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Old 03-08-2005, 08:57 PM
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On Wed, 03 Aug 2005 19:05:55 +0100, Andy wrote:

Derek Broughton wrote:

the weight of the tie above it. I guess 12 pounds isn't nearly enough to
move a tie, except at glacial speed (and if it's a shorter tie, the force

No, especically as the ligthest sleepers weigh in at around 120 pounds
and can be more than double that. The lateral force would need to be
even greater to move when friction is taken into consideration. Which
comes back to where I started, the weight of the sleepers alone is
sufficient to make it a non-issue.

What about the effect of the natural vibration of the Earth? Even though it
is minimal, except in California , it is a constant force/movement that
has to be considered. Granted the surface friction would be higher
initially but over time wouldn't that decrease due to wood deterioration
and said vibration/movement?
Disciple - Team Z
Thus says the Lord God; "Woe to the foolish prophets, who follow their own
spirit and have seen nothing." Ez. 13:3