Thread: Help and advice
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Old 31-07-2005, 04:58 AM
Posts: n/a

The quickest way top clean it up is with aluminum sulphate if your not
going to put fish in it again hit it heaiver than normal dose or get
some baraclear P-80.....which is mainly aluminum sulphate with
bentonite in a pelleted form, or just go and ask the pharmacist for
some powdered alum. Its all the same stuff except for the bentonite
in the baraclear. It will lock up the phosphates so the algae can not
utilize the nitrogen, and starve. Aluminum sulphate works good.

I have heard lots of horrow stories with algae fix, mainly because
its dosed all at one time and used without proper aeration......Best
way to use algae fix is have lots of aeration and do it in 1/4 doses
at a time every other day or so, that way you do not have a massive
algae kill which will reduce o2 levels....Thats sort of what I think
probably happened with your fish and your pump size. Algaefix is good
if its used properly, but unfortunately the directions does not give
all the facts you really need to know.....Aluminum sulphate will not
kill everything at one time, but works gradually but aeration is still
a must have.

On 30 Jul 2005 17:42:27 -0700, "moe" wrote:

===Well I hope I have found somewhere that I can get some serious answers
===a lot of places either won't answer you or tell you off. My problem I
===have a small 500 gallon pond that is only 2 feet deep. I have a 650
===gallon pump in it. This pond is in direct sun and my water of course is
===staying green. On this small of a pond which has no fish btw... is a UV
===Sterilizer Bio Filter really needed or are there chemicals to clear up
===my problem? I had a few goldfish in there until we added algaefix,
===afterwards within a day the fish were dead.

Put some color in your naked!
"The original frugal ponder"
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