Capt T wrote:
Kind neighbour planted this against my fence and then had the cheek
to pin it to the wood for support. I have just removed it and dug
what I can of the base (! year old) but of course the roots are
thick and go straight down.As impossible to dig out I have cut them
off about a foot down and poured glycosphate into the hole to cover
the cut end hoping that will do something.Will that suffice or is
there more I can do? If it sprouts growth again will round up do
I hope it's on your side of the fence! Yes, Roundup on green leaves
will kill it off if it shoots up again, though you may need a second
application. My understanding of glyphosate is that it has no effect
at all on roots; but I don't know if that's true when it's applied to
cut surfaces.
I can't help but I am having the same problem with a Russian Vine I
foolishley planted and it is taking over our Bramley Apple tree. I would
like to thank you for the advice about using Roundup.
I am told that you need Ammonium Sulphamate (Root out ) to really kill
roots of Russian Vine
I agree, Root Out, it kills anything in the ground and is also used on green
leaves, then turns into fertilser after 8 wks, or so the packet say's