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  #7   Report Post  
Old 26-07-2005, 05:44 AM
Posts: n/a

In our society there is also a small group of people doing most of the work
and a lot of mostly passive members (we've tended to stay around 130 total
members lately). We definitely don't want to just run off all the passive
members because then we'd lose a couple grand every year in dues and that
would greatly affect our ability to bring in speakers. We've had problems
filling some positions with people willing to do a good job, but that's
life. I stay in the society because I believe having a functional society
in my area is in my best interests. When I started growing orchids some
people in the society really helped me become interested and gain more
knowledge. I've met many nice people who share my interest through the
society, and made a few good friends. I've heard presentations and been
able to purchase plants from growers coming from all over the country (and
once from South America). Our show brings a lot of good vendors to town
every year. I haven't gotten burned out yet, but I'm sure I will at some
point. I'm currently the newsletter editor (1 1/2 years and counting, seems
like forever) and on the board of directors. I'll end up being VP sometime
in the next couple years. I'm also doing photography for the local AOS
judging center, and I will coordinate orchid entries for the Southeastern
Flower Show again next year.

Our society went through its changing of the guard back in the 90's long
before I was even growing orchids. Unfortunately a lot of the long-time
growers in Atlanta don't come to the society anymore. Some are heavily
involved in AOS (judges, trustees, committee members, etc.) and don't really
want to have any responsibilites in the local societies anymore. Others
just got tired of it. A handful go to a smaller society on the south side
of town. You can't please everyone. I think our society would be much more
educational if we could get some of the experienced growers to come back
occasionally. The best way to do that seems to be by bringing in good
