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Old 25-07-2005, 11:00 PM
Diana Kulaga
Posts: n/a

Interesting discussion. I joined PSLOS several years back. The first meeting
I attended was so boring that I was looking for a way to leave early without
seeming insulting. I had no way to know the structure of the Society at that
time, but I later learned that the VP is in charge of doing, or arranging, a
30 minute clinic. Then would come a business meeting, a break, and the main
speaker, also the responsibility of the VP.

Well, the VP started her "Cattleya talk" by saying that "orchids sometimes
commit suicide", and I knew we were in trouble. The business meeting was
interminable, and issues were brought up that never ought to have reached
the general membership until time for a vote up or down, if then. I came
home and told Frank that it wasn't for me, that it was strictly a tea and
crumpets affair with nothing to offer except for the charter members who
liked to get together and schmooze once a month.

The following month, Frank had emergency heart surgery and the Society was
nowhere near the front burner. (BTW, I remember how kind so many of you were
during that difficult time. Yes, Kathy, the Gods were pleased with the

Months later, Frank suggested that I give a meeting another try. By then,
there was a new VP, and she was trying to liven up the meetings, with some
success. The new Pres had streamlined the business meeting down to under 15
minutes, and it seemed there was more energy, though still nothing
approaching what was needed. Someone asked me to do a presentation, and I
did it on S/H, with credit to Ray. This, after all, is right up my alley,
because I have spoken to groups for years and I love it.

They asked me to serve as VP (they had tried to get me to do 2nd VP the year
before, but I declined). I checked to make sure that I would have the
ability to set the agenda (yes), and that I could bring in the speakers of
my choice (yes, within budget constraints). This fall I will begin my
third - and final! - term as VP, and I made it my business to effect change
in the Society. It has worked, and it's been fun. The members enjoy coming
to meetings now, not just for the coffee break, but for the programs and the
laughs. Volunteership is way up, and visitors quickly become members and
stay members. For our AOS show, we have all the help we could ask for, and
it has become more sophisticated. We have a waiting list of vendors who want
to come. Even older members who felt that they had done enough are coming
to the fore when needed. I talked the Board into a big increase in funds for
programming, and I'm looking forward to some dynamite speakers this cycle.

I guess what I am trying to say is that if you want a society to work, if
you are not happy with it but would like to have a good society to go to,
then it takes a little effort. Right now, of our four closest societies, two
are dysfunctional, mainly because there's some sabotage going on. We and the
other healthy society have ignored the individual who is, for whatever
reason, trying to wreck things. I may need to take some action to stop her,
but if I do she'll never know what - or who - hit her. (Relax. I'm not
talking physical here!) Having said all this, I understand how Kathy feels.
There comes a time when it is someone else's turn, and that time is now
near. I am grooming people to take over for me. The new Pres is a fairly new
member, and so are the new 2nd VP, Treas, etc. I am extricating myself
because if I don't, the things I hold dear will go by the board. I will stay
a member, and the Society is vibrant and growing.

Whew. I guess I went on a bit, huh?
