Horse Manure When can it be used
"Adrian wrote in message
At our allotments a local stables has set up an agreement whereby they can
dump all their horse manure. It is straw and without pesticides.
My question is;
If I top dress a bed with 10" of manure then will it be safe to plant in
come next march? Also what do people think re root crops in manured
Pippa Greenwood in her book says that is no problem but I'm sure I have
heard otherwise.
I also think Pippa should have been the next Gardeners World presenter as
that Monty Don is just too posh!
Personally I would not use "manure" if it was predominantly fresh straw.
Whilst breaking down it will rob the land of nutrients if my friends
experience is anything to go by, he did as you suggest and has regretted it
for the last couple of years, with poor crops.
Make a huge pile, ensure it is wet, and cover. Leave for 12 months, ensuring
it doesn't dry out, when it will be a very small pile, then use it.
We pay for ours but it is over 12 months old and has no straw showing at
all, good stuff and worth every penny.