"Tom Atkinson" wrote in message
"Charlie Pridham" wrote in message
"Tom Atkinson" wrote in message
I wonder if Charlie Pridham (or others)
could advise me of the best way to take cuttings of Mandevilla-bottom
Tom Atkinson
Well I do use bottom heat although there are frequently many different
of achieving the end result.
I do nodal cuttings discarding the very soft tips and use hormone powder
a sealer for the bottoms when first cut to prevent the milky sap leaking
as it slows rooting.
Charlie, gardening in Cornwall.
Holders of National Plant Collection of Clematis viticella (cvs)
I have taken some cuttings and have put them in a propagator with bottom
heat. I haven't covered them in any way.
Should I ?
Tom Atkinson
I would keep the humidity up, whether you mist or cover is up to you.
Charlie, gardening in Cornwall.
Holders of National Plant Collection of Clematis viticella (cvs)