Thread: Pea puzzle
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Old 21-07-2005, 08:40 PM
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On Wed, 20 Jul 2005 17:26:26 +0100, Bob Hobden wrote:
Hmm. I hadn't thought of mice. I might try the trap thing with peanut
butter next year. I have given up on peas for this year.
Thanks !

No need to do that, plant some Early Peas (Feltham First/ Early Onward)
early next month and you should get a crop by the first frost. Water them
well if it's dry though.

I have been told that Kelvedon Wonder is a good variety to sow for a
late crop, So I am about to try that now having just found some in my
local shop. These are Suttons seeds and on the packet they show
sowing up till mid July ( but they dont say which end of the country
!! )
Other times that I have done Early Onward late they have sucumbed to
mildew just before the pods fatten up :-( (location N.Somerset)

My mice seem to go for just the remaining bit of seed. They would
ignore the roots and cast aside the wee sprout from the top, just
beside the pit that they neatly dug it out of ! Grrrrr.
So now I do most of the sowings in pots ( or rain-water guttering, or
plastic holed trays that mushrooms are delivered to veg shops in) and
only plant out when the peas are several leaf nodes high.

Now, having solved the mouse problem, my peas and other things are
being heaved up by moles from below :-(, when not being eaten off at
about 2ft high by the deer when I forget to put netting round the
sides and top :-((

Sometimes I think it would be easier just to buy the d*&^%m peas in
Tesco !!