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Old 21-07-2005, 04:02 AM
~ janj
Posts: n/a

Direct Gardening was one, and the other was Michigan Bulb, very large
popular dealers.

For pond plants??? ~ jan

No, we ordered quite a variety, and just had bad luck.. 8(

The only bad luck I've had were some really slow orders. Back when the
internet was still fairly new, I had to order by phone gasp the red swamp
hibiscus I have. Then they wouldn't take a credit card or personal check,
so I had to get a money order, that made me nervous. 6 weeks go by and
nothing, so I hounded them via the phone and finally got this little itty
bitty plant. In 3 years it was 6 feet tall and 4 ft wide. I now divide it
every other year.

One's I've had good luck with are Aqua-Mart and LaBrake's Garden Path & Pond.
~ jan
~Power to the Porg, Flow On!~