Cat(h) wrote:
do they eat pea seeds? If so, why did they leave my beans alone?
The odd thing is that my next door neighbour has a fab crop, and is no
more protected from the woodpigeons than I am!
Help? What can I do right next year?
No idea Cath why you've got beans but no peas.
I pot sow 99% of my seed vegetable crops in the conservatory (not owning
a greenhouse...) and let seeds germinate and grow on in the conservatory
until they reach a reasonable size. I pot on as necessary, and then when
the weather gets about right, I harden off and plant out.
I've found out the hard way that this is what gurantees me a crop. It
doesn't always work out 100%, but I usually get something. PLanting out
mature plants means they are unlikely to be decimated by slugs & snails
which seems to be my worst pest......
Pot sow you peas next year (one per 2 - 3" dia. pot) under cover, grow
to about 4 - 6" tall, harden off and plant out.