"Cat(h)" wrote ...
Broadback wrote:
Cat(h) wrote:
I manufactured the most gorgeous bambou wigwams this year to grow peas
and runner beans on - the runner beans are flying, but the peas did not
even deign to germinate, despite at least 5 re-seedings... Any idea
what might have happened? There are plenty woodpigeons where I garden,
do they eat pea seeds? If so, why did they leave my beans alone?
The odd thing is that my next door neighbour has a fab crop, and is no
more protected from the woodpigeons than I am!
Help? What can I do right next year?
The world swirls...
I had a whole row eaten by mice. When I planted the replacement I put
out mouse traps, caught 5 or 6, no more problem there. Incidentally I
find that peanut butter is the best bait. I only wish the blasted
rabbits were as easy to catch!
Hmm. I hadn't thought of mice. I might try the trap thing with peanut
butter next year. I have given up on peas for this year.
Thanks !
No need to do that, plant some Early Peas (Feltham First/ Early Onward)
early next month and you should get a crop by the first frost. Water them
well if it's dry though.
Might be worth planting them in a pot and planting them out once growing.
In Runnymede, 17 miles West of London