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Old 20-07-2005, 07:48 PM
Reel Mckoi
Posts: n/a

"JoganJani" wrote in message
I've a three and half year old pond and is mature now with lots of
plants, lillies and fish. The water is great and clear. Currently I've
noticed that it has tonns of snails. I do not know where they come
from. I even noticed a lot of 'em in skimmer net and am also worried it
might get into the pump in the skimmer. How do I contro l these? Any

As long as they're causing no harm why not leave them alone? If you really
get overwhelmed with them you can relocate them to a nearby lake or creek
(if they're native to your area). Sometimes young snails clog the intakes
in my small outdoor pumps. That can be a real pain......
McKoi.... the frugal ponder...
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