"Matt Durkin" wrote in message
"Matt Durkin" wrote in message
Hi All,
I have a passion flower groing in a largish tub outside. This year it
looks a bit yellow rather than the more usual dark green.
It is still flowering quiet well, but I'm wondering what might be
it. The leaves amd flowers are on the small side as well.
It hasn't been allowed to dry out, but I'm wondering if it's running out
of nutrients in the soil.
Are there diseases that could cause this effect?
Any thoughts much appreciated.
Anyone? Looking more carefully my leaves are really really dwarfed
with other blue passion flower plants in the area.
Passiflora are gross feeders and can run out of food in pots quite quickly.
Charlie, gardening in Cornwall.
Holders of National Plant Collection of Clematis viticella (cvs)