"Kay" wrote in message
In article , Pam Moore
Most exciting event in my garden today: baby blackbirds flew the nest
near my back door.
Saddest event in my garden today: found a baby blackbird on back-door
mat close to step! No sign of others. Moved "him" onto border, at
which he chirped a bit. Later I could not see him. Fingers crossed for
Just after leaving the nest is a very vulnerable time. Most birds lay
more than the two eggs theoretically required to keep the population
constant, and most aim for more than one brood each year - so there is
quite a high wastage rate. Sad for us with our different standards. But
all you can do is try to make your garden as easy as possible for them,
with undisturbed nest sites and plenty of food sources. And do what you
did - leave it to the parents to sort out and resist any feeling that a
fledgling needs 'rescuing'.
Nastiest job in my garden today: finger-squishing lily beetle larva in
their poo, plus two lily beetles.
rubber gloves? Or are you feeling sorry for the larvae?
"Do not insult the crocodile until you have crossed the river"
We got those pesky lily beetles this year. Strangely they all dissapeared
before I had chance to squash them. Not really sure what killed them, but it
may have been some traces of pesticide still remaining from earlier in the
year when the aphids tried to attack them...
That said, they managed to eat their way through quite a bit of foliage
before dissapearing.
Now no sign of beetles, grups, or poo!