Thread: Minnows-Spawned
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Old 19-07-2005, 09:46 PM
Reel Mckoi
Posts: n/a

"bbrown9506" wrote in message
My Minnows spawned last week and now it lookes like I have a few
hundres new editions to the pond! their are baby minnows everywhere!
Good to see the pond is growing well enough to support such growth, I
just set it up in March of this year! My Tadpoles are also almost
Frogs! Most have both their Front and back legs but sitll have their
tails! Cant wait to see if they stick around? anyone ever do tadpoles?
and did they stay in the pond once frogs?

A few of the aquatic types stay. Those that are not aquatic leave. They all
come back in the spring and early summer to breed.
McKoi.... the frugal ponder...
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