Koi fry
A while ago we mentioned that we were trying to get some fry from the
koi breeding. Well...
We just got back from an extended vacation. The kids watched the
homestead while we were away. Yesterday, I looked into the ponds....KOI
FRY. I thought they might have cme from the blue furnace filters I
moved from the main pond to the berm pond when they were spawning...but
there are koi babies in the one before that...no way did they jump up
the 3" fall. Must have been sucked through by the filter from the
bottom of the 'deep well' in the main pond (7' depth of old septic
tank.). Clearly two groups of fry, maybe three. A look at the fry
shows the various fathers of the babies. We may have as many as 15 new
koi...more than the parents in the pond. We will try to work out
something with the pet stores!
It is nice to see the successful breeding...now we need to figure out
what to do next.