Thread: bindweed
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Old 16-07-2005, 05:23 PM
Mike Lyle
Posts: n/a

Jaques d'Alltrades wrote:
The message .com
from "Totty" contains these words:
Mike Lyle wrote:
Totty wrote:
Jaques d'Alltrades wrote:

If you introduce it to a honeusuckle and forbid them to

they'll both commit suicide.


Rusty, what added ingredient was in your afternoon cuppa?

You recognise the allusion, Shirley?

Paddling furiously below a poppy field?


Have you just gone straight up, and fallen flat on your face? (I
must admit I nearly did, too!)

So much for my sad attempt to mimic Auracaria and give you a

clue for Flanders and Swann!! I should maybe stick to i doing

the crossword in future, rather than compiling it....;0)

No-one expects the Totty Inquisition...

Quite so; but I'm still blushing far from prettily. Sorry, Totty, it
was a good clue -- and I didn't get a single one of the real
monkey-puzzler's yesterday, so it would have been refreshing to have
seen yours for what it was.
